Posts Tagged ‘Dogwood to Kudzu’

White Lies Basket Revealed

Tuesday, August 23rd, 2022

I shared the inspiration and technique used to bead tapestry crochet “White Lies” with juror, Judy Zugish, and other HGA Convergence attendees at the recent “Dogwood to Kudzu” basketry exhibit. Just click the picture or the caption to hear more about it. Thanks so much for making this video, Kennita!

A Happy Surprise!

Thursday, September 10th, 2020

The Handweavers Guild of America’s Convergence 2020 has been postponed to 2022, including the exhibitions. So, what a happy surprise when a letter arrived informing me that my White Lies bead tapestry crochet basket had won the third place award in the Dogwood to Kudzu basketry exhibit!

A member of The Handweavers Guild of America wove the exquisite Third Place ribbon!

Very interesting, especially since the same basket had been rejected from Convergence’s Small Expressions exhibit; different judges and different criteria and different odds. It just goes to show that rejection of your work should not be taken personally, because the very same piece can achieve greatness in another venue!

White Lies, bead tapestry crochet, glass beads and cotton thread, 8 1/2″ x 8″, 2019.

This basket was inspired by the news, social media, and situations closer to home.

Let there be light.
Let there be truth.
Let there be no more white lies!