Wanda models hats that she tapestry crocheted in the 1980’s.
She continues, “I’ve been crocheting for many years and was very serious about it at one time but then I moved from NY to Virginia and I kind of separated “my gift” from my spirit.”
These hats also date to the 1980’s.
“I started crocheting while I was still in high school. My uncle married a woman from the Phillipines and she crocheted doilies and bedspreads with cotton thread and the very small silver crochet hooks. I learned from her how to crochet pineapples and other lace patterns. I made a lot of doilies. I started making the patterns smaller so that I could crochet them into decorative skullcaps. From there, I started using more colors and textures – experimenting – so that I could see what I would end with.”
Wanda also tapestry crocheted these hats and the vest in the 1980’s.
“I usually see or dream about what it is that I want my work to look like and I start from there. I sometimes have to just think about what comes to me for few days before I can begin. It helps me to place my yarn out on the floor and just choose the colors that I want to use. I don’t have any set color scheme I just go with what moves me and with what I think looks great together. My work comes from spirit. I feel it before I start to crochet, while I am crocheting.”
Another tapestry crocheted hat that dates to the 1980’s.
“I haven’t always acknowledged my gift as something special, like other people have and I know that is because it came so easily for me. But I am becoming more confident and comfortable with seeing myself as an artist…and I like it 🙂 .”
Wanda tapestry crocheted these hats in the 1990’s.
More of her fabulous tapestry crocheted hats from the 1990’s.
“I crocheted some of these hats while I was living in NY in 1990 and I crocheted some of them when I moved back to Virginia in 1991. After I moved back to Virginia I would travel back and forth to NY to sell my hats. The majority of my sales came from word of mouth.”
This 1990’s tapestry crocheted hat can be worn two different ways!
“I worked mainly with Luster Sheen yarn by Red Heart. I also used Lion Brand acrylics and other types of yarn. I sometimes used various types of left over yarn that I purchased from thrift stores.”
More of Wanda’s hats from the 1990’s.
“Now that I have come to grips that it is a God given blessing, I am flooding my spirit with crocheting once again. I hope to become published real soon.”
A few more of Wanda’s tapestry crocheted hats from the 1990’s.
I can’t wait to see her latest inspirations! I don’t know about you, but I’m going to keep an eye on Wanda’s Flickr page – because this funkycrochetdiva (Wanda’s name on Ravelry) will be posting pictures of her new work there!
Update: Wanda’s free African Safari Hat pattern is included in the current issue of Black Purl Magazine!!!
Do you sell these? I would live to buy one!
I’m not sure. Please click on Wanda’s Ravelry link for an answer.