Bag of Skulls

If you’ve been following my blog for a while, you know how I feel about skulls. If not, my UnFinishedObject Bag posting will fill you in. The cylindrical UFO bag has some things in common with this one; they’re both tapestry crocheted with nylon, have skulls, and boney handles, but the Bag of Skulls has an oval base and more skulls.

Airlines allow purses of any size (within reason), so I made this one small enough to fit under an airline seat, but large enough to hold A LOT of stuff! And – the skulls are apotropaic (they scare away evil).

Bag of Skulls

Bag of Skulls, nylon, 14 1/4″ x 16″ with a 4″ wide base.

You, too, can tapestry crochet your own Bag of Skulls! Instructions for right handed crocheters and left handed crocheters are now for sale on Ravelry, a fabulous online pattern store. I hope you’ll give it a try!

8 Responses to “Bag of Skulls”

  1. jeannette says:

    hi carol, just learning tapestry crochet with your book pattern for an amulet bag. could you please recommend a substitute for the 40 meter skein of 6 ply silk recommended? two skeins come to about $40 which is prohibitive for a learning project. i know kumihimo braiders have imitation silk skeins, i wonder if they exist for crochet?
    with thanks for the inspo.

  2. You can use any type of yarn or size 3 crochet thread – depending on the look that you want. Don’t worry about using silk when you are learning – just give it a try with a pair of yarns or threads of contrasting colors.

  3. Jennifer says:

    Hi Carol, I just purchased the Skulls pattern and started crocheting. How is it that chaining 72 stitches (or 86, in my case), allows stitching 70 stitches across? I am not new to crochet but shouldn’t it be chain 70 (in pattern)?

  4. You will do 3 in the last stitch, go across the bottom, then 2 in the last stitch of the round. That will give you the number of stitches you need for the pattern – in your case, 172 stitches. The instructions for the rest of the round are below the “how to” illustrations.

  5. Jennifer says:

    Thank you, Carol! I’m afraid I goofed by counting by crocheting into the tops instead of the bottom of the chain in first round– kept coming up two extra stitches. Fixed now- smooth sailing ahead! Love this pattern. I adore skull motifs! 🙂

  6. Jennifer says:

    Hi Carol– just one more question about the nylon thread. I substituted Hobby Lobby’s Artiste brand nylon because I was anxious to get started without ordering and is it EVER hard to work with! Stiff and coarse, it will take me five years to make the bag with this brand nylon! Tonight I ordered what the pattern calls for and am going to start anew. It has to be a big improvement, do you agree?

  7. I’m not familiar with Hobby Lobby’s nylon, but after looking at pictures of it online, it might be the same as the nylon that I used. Nylon is hard on the hands, but the projects made with it last a long time. Are you using a hook with a handle?

  8. Jennifer says:

    Carol, I’m using a steel hook with the slide on cushions, which works ok. If I need to I will add some polymer clay & bake it. I got my order of Hilos La Espiga nylon today and there is a world of difference between it and the Hobby Lobby Artiste brand. The Hilo is so much softer and easier to use. That Artiste nylon is just like a new roll of stiff rope in comparison. Think I’m going to start over with the new brand.

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