Memorial Day TC Radio Show

I’ll be Mary Beth Temple’s guest on blogtalkradio’s Getting Loopy! at 9pm Eastern time tomorrow night. You can listen online – or even better – you can call 646-915-8371 to ask questions and to share your tapestry crochet excitement! You’ll hear the show through the telephone when your call is connected, but you aren’t live on the air unless Mary Beth tells you. She will identify you by area code to the listeners.

You can also go to the live chat area – when you’re listening to the show there’s a box with Mary Beth’s photo and the show details near the upper right hand corner of your screen. In the upper right hand corner of that box, there should be a “chat available” icon. Click on through and join us! Chat is open about ten minutes before we go live – if you have a question that you are dying to ask, that’s a great way to reach us. If you have an account and are logged in, Mary Beth can see your user name, but you can chat even without an account – you will be assigned a temporary guest name. During the show you’ll be able to enter a contest to win an autographed copy of my Bead & Felted Tapestry Crochet book!

Don’t worry if you miss it because you can listen to the show when it’s over, too. The most recent one auto-plays at Getting Loopy! or you can go to BTR and select an archived show from the list. The archives are also available via RSS feed and ITunes. I’m really looking forward to a memorable experience!

One Response to “Memorial Day TC Radio Show”

  1. Mary says:

    WOW I’m right ontime—-just enough time to grab a drink before the show starts too—-see ya there soon Carol—-hehehe
    your crocheting buddy

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