Looking for a 2009 calendar? Do you crochet? Then you’re in luck – because the 2009 Crochet Calendar can keep you up to date and happily hooking all year!
This calendar has both easy and more challenging projects – and includes the pattern for my felted tapestry crochet basket below.
15″ diameter Felted Tapestry Crochet Basket in the 2009 CROCHET CALENDAR
For those who like to crochet loosely – this is the project for you – since it’s tapestry crocheted with a size P hook, chunky wool, and loose stitches. The wool magically shrinks and felts in a washing machine. The beauty of felted tapestry crochet is that the pattern is visible on both sides of the fabric.
This is what the basket looked like before felting.
Yes, this basket was supposed to be a hat, but it turned out WAY too big – so voila – a basket was born!