Ilsy’s a real tough critic and quite the fashionista, so I was shocked when she exclaimed, “This style is really hot now, Ma! I’ll take THIS one – the colors are great!”
My model daughter, Ilsy, in her soon-to-be new hat.
Left-handed and right-handed versions of the Star Hat.
So, I spent today writing up the patterns for right and left handed crocheters, posted them on Ravelry, then uploaded pictures to Flickr – and now I’m writing this to get the word out.
I learned a long time ago that it’s not a good idea to buy or make Ilsy anything, because our tastes are very different and it’s almost impossible to figure out what she likes. It’s a really good sign, then, when she’s excited about something that I’ve crocheted. I hope it appeals to you and your fashionista, too!
The loose stitch and alpaca yarn really do make it soft.