Some publications return the projects after the instructions have been published, others don’t. Most purchase all publication rights, others return the publication rights to the designer after a year or so. All of this is spelled out in the contract.
When the Manos de Uruguay Handspun Kettle-Dyed Wool arrived, the “voyage of discovery” began. The first step – what size hook? I tried several before selecting the size P (10mm) hook on the far right (below), because it produced a stitch that was tight enough to hide most of the carried yarn, but loose enough to produce a fabric that would felt in a washing machine.
Each of these swatches was crocheted with the same number of stitches, but different sized hooks.
This is how the bag looked before it was felted.
Tapestry crochet shrinks and felts like magic in a washing machine. Every yarn reacts differently, though, so the journey continued. Conclusion: this particular yarn needs to be washed a few times to felt sufficiently.
Details of before felting (on the left) and after felting (on the right).
The fabric became very dense after it was felted – no lining necessary.
A lining would have hidden the pattern inside the Tapestry Bag.
Fortunately, I’m supposed to get this project back – along with the publication rights. I really like how the carried colors peek through the fabric, giving it a “tweedy” look.
So, what do you think?
It’s available now from Inside Crochet at–Issue-14
LOVE LOVE LOVE THAT BAG!!! When will the pattern be available? Those colors are just gorgeous!!!
I just bought the magazine today and your bag is the first thing I am planning to make from it. I love it!!! It’s beautiful as well as being very practical for a student like myself.
Awesome work!!!!
I did notice your pattern when I got the issue of Inside Crochet. I’m glad you get the rights back as well as the project after all that work. I still remember how long it took me to make the UFO bag – I’m never giving it away (and that’s without having to design and write it up).
The handle and rim are done in 2 steps. The yarn has not been cut. Do the chain, then count the number of stitches indicated in front of where the chain started and insert the hook again into the rim to make a large loop. Then, crochet on the rim and the chain several times, cut the yarns, and crochet the other side of the handle and rim, making loops with the handle going through them. I hope this helps!
I have made the Tapestry Bag in the February Issue #14. I just have no idea how to get the strap and brim made. I have never made a bag wtih the strap connected. I do not know if I make turns or just go in a circle. Could someone Please give me directions on how to get the strap and brim started. I have looked at the pictures but they do not help me to know how to even get started. Thank you for your time and help. Char
You need to subscribe to the MainlyCrochet online magazine to have access to this and hundreds of other wonderful patterns.